A big thank-you to Vogue Optical and the Department of Health & Wellness for their continued support of this event and to the Town of Stratford for hosting! Over 250 seniors participated in events today!
GOLD- Sheila Coffin & Kevin Coffin
SILVER- Ron Yeo & Dave Yeo
BRONZE- Joyce Dixon & Marlene Blaxland
Auction 45
GOLD- Brenda Davey & Gordon Crozier
SILVER- Christie Easter & Isabel Watts
BRONZE- Robert & Velda MacLeod
Bowling- Team
75+ Division
GOLD- Hector MacDonald, Joyce Thompson, Dean Ravenhill, Rowena Brown, Maurice St. Jules
SILVER- Marg Wigginton, Wendell Mill, Fay Mayhew, Foch McNally, Norma Morrissey
65+ Division
GOLD- John Rowe, Alfie Wakelin, Joan Green, Moe Wood, Wally McInnis
SILVER- Ali Dykens, Lennie VanDuinkerken, Bonnie Fitzgerald, Eric Kelly, Margaret Drake
BRONZE- Tony Broderick, Judy Broderick, Harold Tremere, Winston Tremere, Freda Gorman
55+ Division
GOLD- Judy Arnold, Pearl MacEachern, Majorie MacDonald, Ethel McLeod, Carol Connick
Stick Curling
Open Division
Craswell/Field 8 defeated E Stavert/V Fisher 1
Chowan/Leard 7 defeated Sutherland McIntyre 2
B Crawell/Stratton 5 defeated Keefe/Doiron 2
Gill/MacKinnon 9 defeated Keefe/Doiron 1
Chowan/Leard 5 defeated M Crawell/P Field 4
Sutherland/McIntyre 4 tied B Crawell/Stratton 4
Gill/MacKinnon 6 defeated E Stavert/V Fisher 3
M Craswell/P Field 5 defeated Sutherland/McIntyre 3
Chowan/Leard 7 defeated B Craswell/Stratton 2
E Stavert/V Fisher 6 defeated Keefe/Doiron 3
Gill/MacKinnon 4 defeated M Craswell/P Field 2
B Craswell/Stratton 5 defeated E Stavert/V Fisher 4
Chowan/Leard 5 defeated Keefe/Doiron 1
Women’s Division
R Stavert/K Fisher 5 tied Hughes/Reid
B Field/Crockett 6 tied R Stavert/K Fisher 6
B Field/Crockett 6 defeated Hughes/Reid 5
B Field/Crockett 6 defeated R Stavert/K Fisher 5